Mission Statement:
At Community Christian Church we create a welcoming, safe, and accepting environment for all children. Striving to be examples of God’s love in the world, we provide Christian education, fellowship, and experiences that facilitate the spiritual development of each child.
Relying on prayer, trusting in God’s will, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we work together to accomplish these goals in the following ways:
Christian Education:
Youth groups meet every Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00pm. For more information, call Pastor Brown (636) 290-5213.
- Junior Youth Fellowship (JYF): For grades 2nd thru 5th
- Chi-Rho News: For grades 6th through 8th
- CYF News: For grades 9th through 12th
Children’s Library
Books appropriate for children pre-school – 6th grade are available for children to read at church or to check out and read at home. Books of various reading levels feature Bible stories, Christian values, Christian holidays, and inspirational messages. There is also a small collection of books in Spanish.
Worship Experiences:
CHILDREN’S MOMENT – 8:30 am & 10:45 am services
An age-appropriate message is shared with the children during the worship services to highlight the morning’s scripture or to focus on the meaning of a special occasion.
ACOLYTES – 10:45 am. Service of Worship
Acolyte is literally a young “helper” or servant, who assists by lighting the chancel candles in the sanctuary before the service of worship to symbolize the Light of Christ in our midst. The acolyte returns at the end of the service to extinguish the candles, the smoke a reminder that it is up to us to carry the Light of Christ back out into the world.
Wednesday Night Youth Groups (2nd – 12th grades): 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
JYF News (2nd through 5th grade)
- Official Youth Groups meet from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm every Wednesday evening, plus we have Sunday School at 9:00 am.
Chi-Rho News (6th through 8th grade)
- Official Youth Groups meet from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm every Wednesday evening, plus we have Sunday School at 9:00 am.
Questions? Contact Pastor Brown
CYF News (9th through 12th grade)
- Official Youth Groups begin meets from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm every Wednesday evening, plus we hope to see you at church on Sundays. As a high school youth group, we have TONS of activities planned. Come at 5:30 pm and get ready for a great time!!!
Questions? Contact Pastor Brown.
Come for part or come for all. Don’t forget you can invite friends to join us!
Sunday School 9:00 am 6th – 12th grades
If you have any questions please contact Pastor Brown 573-346-5546 or 636-290-5213
The General Conference of Disciples Men is the formal organization of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada, ministering to the unique needs of men in the church, enabling them to fulfill their potential as servants of God, strengthening to the total ministry of the church.
The Disciples Men meet on the first Thursday each month at 6:00 pm for a hearty meal and a rich time of fellowship, prayer, and growing together in faith.
Our meeting planning times focus on fundraising activities for the support of Lake Area Helping Hands, FTC Lighthouse Mission, Share the Harvest, Lamb House, and Salvation Army.
All men are invited to participate in our fellowship, reflection, and service activities as we seek to better live out our discipleship.
We sponsor a pancake dinner on Shrove Tuesday, a fish fry in June, and a chili dinner in November as ways to extend our mission of fellowship and service to our whole church family and beyond to the greater community.
Join us as we seek to nourish, strengthen, and encourage men!
For information contact Eric Faes at 573-286-4261.

Disciple Women’s Fellowship: Second Mondays, March – December, Noon – 2 pm
All women of the church are welcome to enjoy a carry-in meal and an hour of “Worshipful Work” which includes worship, study, fellowship, and service. Social Action and Justice Programs as well as Just Women (a DWM publication) are the resources for Bible and Mission study, and worship.
This organized group plans and directs the events on behalf of Disciple Women’s Ministries. DWF welcomes, depends on, and appreciates the support of all the women of the church who participate as they are able.
- Bible Study: For knowledge, understanding, and service
- Issue Study: For action and advocacy
- Mission Study: For knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of others
- Fellowship/Networking: For building the faith community
- Leadership Training: For service to God in the church, the community, and the world
- Stewardship: Of time, talent and resources
Wedding Coordination Team:
Supports the bridal party for all weddings and/ or receptions held at the church. Contact: Marilyn Davis
Community Christian Church is offering our large Community Center, Fellowship Hall, and other facilities to the lake Community for a variety of activities and events.
Are you looking for an affordable space for your sports team, dance class, or exercise group? Do you need a room for your book club or card-playing group to meet?
Would you like to host a breakfast, lunch, or dinner for an organization, family reunion, or wedding reception?
Our beautiful outdoor worship area is perfect for a small wedding. Seats 150-200.

Seats 100-200 at tables.

Regulation size court with hoops.

Two large, professional ovens, restaurant style refrigerators, dishwashing facilities, plenty of counter space.

Seats 300 at tables, seats 600 for plays or concerts

Comfortable setting for a small meeting of 10-12.

Accommodates 12 seated with limited kitchen facilities.